Defining Daniel | Arbonne Canada’s Protein Shake Mix Meal Replacement

Week #1
A little known fact about me is that I’ve lost 130 lbs since my very heaviest. I swear, ask my family and friends who knew me in my early twenties! That being said, I’ve tried every diet under the sun from Atkins to Bernstein, the soup cleanse to juicing. Some work, others don’t; but none make a lasting change. Instant gratification and weight loss is NOT health and wellness. So when I decided that it was time to get healthy and fit starting in the month of September, (read my barf story at Equinox here!) I knew I had to make the right choice when it came to what I was putting in my body.
Arbonne Canada, established in 1975 offers vegan friendly, all natural products. Once I was introduced to the brand and the concept that went into their nutritional products, I knew I had made the right choice. The great thing about this company aside from their products I’ve chosen to help cleanse and train my body is all the beauty, skin, hair and many other products offered. They help to serve the body inside and out. Don’t believe me? Click here.
I’m letting you all know I’ll be working with Arbonne Canada‘s Nutrition products for a 30 day cleanse. I’ll introduce a new product weekly that’s included in this 30 day cleanse, so stay tuned. Health & Wellness is all about finding balance in the craziness of work, life and love. So what better to help define this balance then a structured meal plan, with balanced meals and the necessary vitamin intake.
Arbonne Nutritional Tip of the week:
“Fibre is essential to the human diet. Adequate intake of fibre supports gastrointestinal health, cardiovascular health and other important functions. Whole grain breads, vegetables and brown rice are much better sources of fibre than white breads, rice and pasta.”
Product of the week:
Protein shakes. Either you love them or hate them. Variations are offered from pretty much any and all health product suppliers out there. So was I a little bit hesitant when I saw that my 30 day Cleanse required me to have Meal Replacement Shakes every day? Of course I was. Not only does every shake have 20 grams of protein, 22 essential vitamins and minerals and a good source of fiber, but they also taste good! I recommend you use a blender to simplify your life, but half the fun of learning a new product is getting to experiment with it. Try it with water or switch things up with Almond Milk – these are some of the best I’ve tried on the market and I’ve tried almost all of them!
Secret Weapon of the week:
Supplement shakes can sometimes get tired and be difficult to maintain especially for a lengthy period of time. My secret tip to help you stay on track is to switch things up and keep your body satisfied without falling off the band wagon. By adding fresh bananas in the morning to my Arbonne Protein Shake Mix Meal Replacement – Vanilla, I make a simple vanilla shake into something sweet and satisfying. Try fresh mangos, pears and honey in the morning to help get your body the sugars it needs to get your day started. And it doesn’t have to stay limited to breakfast either! Add fresh raspberries or strawberries to the Arbonne Protein Shake Mix Meal Replacement – Chocolate for dessert in a glass.
Photos: Arbonne Canada
Hi ! I am an Arbonne Independent Consultant. If any one is looking to get a sample or purchase these products or any Arbonne products please visit me and like the page https://www.facebook.com/crystalarbonneIC for promotions and giveaways as well!
If you lead an active lifestyle or have a demanding schedule which keeps you on the go, you will know how important it is to keep your body fuelled so that you can keep going. Failing to give your body the vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients which it craves on a daily basis can lead to an immune system under strain , a higher toxic load and, ultimately, you burning out. This meal replacement and protein shake has been fortified with a broad range of nutrients (including plant protein, complex carbohydrates and beneficial herbs).
Hi, I’m an Arbonne Consultant in Ottawa, ON. If you want to purchase any Arbonne products, please go to http://www.arbonne.ca and use ID#: 116038456. A Privilege client gets 20% and a Consultant 35%. You can also contact me by email at ldesjardins2009@live,ca. Amazing products! Pure, Safe & Beneficial! Thank you!