Food & Lifestyle | Defining Daniel

September has finally arrived and with it, the new FASHIONIGHTS Health & Wellness column! Defining Daniel is going to chronicle my life over the next month as I work towards getting myself into shape and getting healthy again. Alongside my partners, Arbonne Canada and Equinox, I’ll bring you the best in Health and Wellness as I work towards becoming a healthier me.
Maybe it’s the fact that in October I turn 30, or the fact that life is busy and trying to find balance isn’t always easy. Either way, this month is all about showing you the best of these two brands as FASHIONIGHTS takes a look inward in order to be the best we can be.
I’m looking forward to chronicling my journey from where I am right now to where I can be. Finding the time and the motivation to get in shape is going to be difficult but what an adventure it is going to be for us all.
If you have any ideas to help me get motivated make sure to follow and tweet @Arbonne_Canada, @Equinox #Toronto & @DoTheDaniel as we all work together for #DefiningDaniel & #FASHIONIGHTS.
And I hope you all enjoy your long weekend!