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Cover | Fucking Young! Magazine #5 ft. Jon Kortajarena by Hunter & Gatti

Cover | Fucking Young! Magazine #5 ft. Jon Kortajarena by Hunter & Gatti


Celebrating its fifth issue, Fucking Young! Magazine do it right with this quirky cover starring (my personal favourite) Jon Kortajarena. Photographed by Hunter & Gatti amongst rocks and gravel made to look like a mountain – the cover is a metaphor for the publication’s experience and direction:

Five years ago now, we embarked on this journey without end. Creating Fucking Young! and getting to where we are today was like climbing a mountain, and a large one at that. Although we’ve had great satisfactions along the way, we still have the feeling that we are climbing the slopes, slowly ascending. The harder that it gets, the more satisfaction we get from getting a little bit higher.

What is so special about a mountain and about conquering it? Since the beginning of time, man has had a special fascination with these rocky giants, whether believing that they were created by Gods, that they are sacred, limiting borders, or even marking the end of the world. The scientific explanation is that they were created by orogeny, but maybe the fascination comes from the fact that they are a metaphor for life itself.

In life, creating goals, challenges, is important, and if they’re not there naturally, we have to invent them, provoke them. As the Earth that creates large volcanoes spitting fire, so we need to create our own mountains, dreaming and believing in our skills and ourselves.

But there are times when there is more than one mountain at hand and when we manage to reach its top we discover that there is a whole range at our feet. New projects come along, new paths, new difficulties, new experiences and new summits. So we crown the top with our ‘flag’ (we also need to recognise and value our victories) and without pause, move on to climb the next.

So to celebrate that we’ve already climbed a few mountains, we’ve dedicated this fifth issue to these topographical heights. Let our life to be full of summits and let us have the strength to overcome all avalanches and steep walls to come.

I love European magazines especially when they’re new because we really see their creativity take shape. The Spanish-based magazine is one to watch and I’ll keep you guys updated on their work and editorials. I mean, look at that cover — where are you seeing any of that in Canada or the US? Nowhere. That’s where. In the mean time, visit their site – it’s pretty fresh and this issue launches October 16th!

Photo: Fucking Young! Magazine

Julio Reyes

1 Comment

  1. Sherlyn

    This info is the cat’s paaamjs!

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