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Cover | Men’s FASHION Holiday 2015 by Ted Belton

Cover | Men’s FASHION Holiday 2015 by Ted Belton


I’ll give credit where credit is due. Generally opting to not highlight Canadian publications because their less than thrilling covers are, as you’ve guessed it, a total snooze – the 2015 Holiday issue of Men’s FASHION though is, dare I say it, fucking great.


No junky, excessive text; an excellent cast of models and a simple (yet effective) styling presentation of the evolution of dressing down. Models Quinn, Ryan Keating and Malik Lindo dress down for the cover story with EIC of Men’s FASHION, David Livingstone, asking the question “Is dressing down the new dressing up?

Livingstone on shifting men’s fashion: “Manly fashion is another realm of shifting ideals. I’m sure that there will be some readers who look at our “No Jackets Required” story and think that the great shirt from the Gucci fall men’s collection is really a blouse (pictured above). Of course, anyone with a sense of justice, a sense of humour or a taste for adventurous thought might be cheered to see matters of gender submitted to fresh scrutiny.” Wise words sir, wise words.

Lensed by Cover Ted Belton with styling by Derek Lall.


Photos: Men’s FASHION

Julio Reyes

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