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Food & Lifestyle | The Samsung T9000 Refrigerator

Food & Lifestyle | The Samsung T9000 Refrigerator

Are you noticing a trend for my posts lately? Can you tell we are in transition mode for our new FASHIONIGHTS HQ?! Yes, I’m going to tell you what wine is hot and what restaurants you should check out…but why not let me help you find the hottest home appliance too? Who says the FASHIONIGHTS way of thinking has to stop at the front door?

Now I must admit, I was skeptical to be invited to see a home appliance – like most of you, I thought that a refrigerator could not possibly mesh with the world of hot trends and vanity. But, Samsung Canada proved me wrong and for that I owe them thanks because my life can no longer be complete without The Samsung T9000 Four-Door Refrigerator.

“The brand new Samsung T9000 perfectly cools food for maximum freshness at all times with its large capacity, and stands out with its elegant and timeless design.”

Don’t believe me?  Here’s just a few points that might catch your attention:

– The 32 cu. ft. capacity Samsung T9000 Four-Door Refrigerator represents the next evolution in refrigerator design, with the most fresh food storage in its class.

– The lower right compartment can also be used as a freezer if desired, and is complemented by a freezer on the left side in this unique and versatile design. 

Or, as I discovered, the same right compartment can also be used as a wine fridge – who wouldn’t use this capability? I mean let’s be honest.


The Samsung T9000 retails for $4,599.99 but is worth every penny. Luxury and fuction, technology and all around sexiness, this is the FASHIONIGHTS appliance of choice for the home. The Four-Door Refrigerator is  available now; to check your local retailers click here.

Go out and get the hottest new item for your home & tell Samsung Canada Daniel from sent you!

Photos: Samsung

Daniel Desforges

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