Defining Daniel | Equinox Fitness Club: Bay St. Completion
“It’s Not Fitness. It’s Life.”
Week # 4
Well, it’s finally come to an end. Four weeks of major changes and choices to become a healthier me. Over the last month at Equinox Fitness Club Bay St. I’ve learnt my boundaries, tough lessons and have found renewed strength with the help of each day I spent working as hard as I could. Alongside my 30 day cleanse sponsored by Arbonne Canada, I’ve lost 15 lbs and a full pant size! It’s by no means a miracle, but it certainly is an accomplishment to be proud of. The first of many I am sure now that I have learnt what it means to be a healthier me before the big 3-0 in October.
Secret Weapon:
Don’t stop now just because of this change. Although my trial membership at one of the best gyms in the city has come to an end, that doesn’t mean that my choice to exercise on a regular basis has to. I will bring the determination to workout on a regular basis into my daily life as I progress into this next chapter. Be it running in this beautiful city or a simple workout at home using the tools available to us all on the Equinox Fitness blog, Q by Equinox.You can continue to a healthier you with the simplest of changes, trust me.
When things settle down after my birthday and fashion week, I’ll hopefully be returning to Equinox as my first choice for a gym.Finding one is never easy and if I can sway you to give them a try, I promise that you won’t be disappointed. They are the best!
Thank you again to Equinox Fitness Club Bay Street for helping me to make #DefiningDaniel a success and being a step ahead to a healthier me. I will truly miss you in my every day routine but I promise to carry the lessons I’ve learnt into this new healthier chapter of my life.
@Equinox #BaySt was able to make #DefiningDaniel what it was. Why not find balance and help to define yourself too with their help?
Photos: Equinox