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Ad Campaign | Alexander McQueen S/S 2013 ft. Raquel Zimmermann by David Sims

Ad Campaign | Alexander McQueen S/S 2013 ft. Raquel Zimmermann by David Sims

Artistically stunning as usual! The ever-statuesque Raquel Zimmermann lands the role as the face of Alexander McQueen’s S/S 2012 ad campaign lensed by David Sims.

I must admit, I wasn’t too crazy about this collection, but that does not mean I’ve fallen off the McQueen or Sarah Burton bus! The architectural look of this collection was one that I’m not quite sure I understood – but frankly does anyone else ever understand it?

I like to think I get it, but this one, I’m at a loss and then Zimmermann is dripping in what, wax?! A little like her cameo in Lady Gaga’s ‘Born This Way’ video – now that, is chic.

This caged skirt underlay on top of the dress – hot.

Photos: Alexander McQueen

Julio Reyes 

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